Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This Kid is FANTASTIC!

Makeup artist extraordinaire Amy Chance had this link up on Twitter, and I am SO glad I checked it out! Because this kid, Arlo, is the most fantastic dresser I've seen...especially since he's ONLY 5 YEARS OLD! And he dresses himself no less. Check it out here, and make sure you check out the slideshow link, it's awesome.

You gotta admit, this kid's got style! ;)


Sweet Caroline said...

Holy Moly! That kid has an old soul! He is a babe...(is that okay to say since he is so young?) I see him being HUGE as the years go on. Thanks for sharing...

Also, who is Amy the makeup artist?

Word Ninja said...

Isn't he fantastic?! I just couldn't stop smiling and re-reading his little comments...I mean, 5 years old?! I can't wait to see where he goes from here!

And here is Amy's website, she's done EVERYONE'S makeup, as you can see from her portfolio, and I follow her on Twitter, which is where I saw this kid.