Thursday, March 19, 2009

Took The Camera-Finally!

So when we went for a walk yesterday in the gorgeous, almost too warm, weather, I actually remembered to grab the camera on the way out the door! Yay Ali!

Not to go off on too much of a tangent, but having kids seriously screws your memory capabilities. I was once famous for my detailed memory skills- it's one of the reasons I was such an awesome cocktail waitress...I never wrote anything down, not for a party of ten with all different meals and drinks. I just didn't need to. And I took it for granted. But after having kids, a large portion of my brain is constantly taken up with thoughts about them...even when I'm not consciously thinking about them. They've simply taken up a permanent spot in my brain which leaves it capable of nothing else. So now I write down all my orders, and still sometimes forget something, which drives me crazy to no end!!!

So back to the story, I finally remembered the camera, probably because it was right in front of me as I was walking out the door. So let me share some pictures with y'all! :D

This is the road I'm always going on about, that's cut into the mountain. My camera doesn't do it justice at all (I've got the oldest, still-functioning digital camera in the universe), but you can get the general idea I think.

As I was walking I was taking them (there's no stopping and setting it up with two kids who are ready to roll), so they may be blurry. This is at the top of the road-

And about halfway down-

And you can see the way it turns to the left down there
at the bottom-

Onto this little road, which I'm in love with and want to live on-

We always come on on this pond on the right-

And Chloe starts yelling "DUH!" which is "duck", even though
we've never seen ducks on it-

And Colin and I rush to turn around to see our favorite place-

The little boy fishing was just so Norman Rockwell, I loved it-
The pipe he's sitting on is where that lake with no ducks across the street drains out of. All over the mountain there's drains like this, keeping the water in little pools and streams as it runs down the mountain.-

And another view, because I adore it-

I wish the brush wasn't on the left there, but I also kind of
like how it's all green on one side,
and gray-brown on the other-

Then it's time to head back-

And then my favorite time-naptime!

1 comment:

Laura said...

how beautiful!!!!