Thursday, April 16, 2009


Sorry (again) for the delay in posting. But the weather is finally warming up, and somehow my house messes itself up when I blink, and I just seem to have a lot on my plate. And while it is one of my most satisfying treats, blogging often gets put on the bottom of my to-do list, under other things like...feeding my kids. And showering.

And I've found a new love (big surprise, right? I have a falling in love compulsion I happens at least once a week....people, places, things...whatev. I'm full of love and it overflows sometimes I guess.)

Anyways, I've been teaching myself how to work with vectors, backgrounds,, and I'm slowly getting the hang of it. My next project is to make my own background for this blog...which I'll probably get around to in....a million years.

Tons of people I know have Photoshop, which I'm jealous about. However, there is no way I can afford that, considering I'm already living off mac-n-cheese and tuna sandwiches, but I found this FREE and just as awesome program called It's free and awesome, and did I mention that it's free?

Then I found about a billion sites with free clipart, copyright free vintage images, and free vectors. I'm working on getting them all together so I can post all the links and all that jazz.

Plus, I've realized that I've got these ideas for stories that are all kind of the same...which leads me to realize that there is something I'm wanting to write about, something I'm set on in my mind, but unsure of exactly how to go about it.

And, I've got two kids.

So life is busy, but I'll be back. Soon.


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